It's a God-Awful Small Affair
Some may say a mask can liberate you. I think they can make you more vulnerable. Depending on what the mask is.
Today, I may be wholly unrecognizable.
Stay safe tonight, Constant Readers.
are you crazy?
"The Art of Screenwriting"
Digital filmmaking has made it easier than ever to shoot a film, but the process of writing an entertaining and successful screenplay is still as difficult and critical as ever to the success of a film. Listen in on an in depth discussion of how to create a powerful script and what it takes to turn it into a winning movie.
Rubin Museum of Art
150 West 17th Street (Corner of 7th Avenue)
New York, NY 10011
I went to the trouble of taking all these shitty cell phone pix I should've used for a blog entry I wrote eons ago, but fuck it. Here they are, way after anyone should give either two-fucks or two-shits. The perfect weekend dumpster entry for posterity...
CINCINNATI (Oct. 14) - Ohio has executed a 5-foot-7, 267-pound double murderer who argued his obesity made death by lethal injection inhumane.Full (and delicious) article here.
Richard Cooey died at 10:28 a.m. Tuesday at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville...
Cooey dined Monday evening on the special meal he ordered, including T-bone steak with A-1 sauce, onion rings, french fries, four eggs over easy, toast with butter, hash browns, a pint of rocky road ice cream, a Mountain Dew soft drink and bear claw pastries.
After their second debate, both Barack Obama and John McCain shook hands with the Nashville audience of 80 uncommitted voters. Both were well-received. But Obama stayed longer, and with McCain out of the room, the affection from the swing voters increased. He was mobbed, patted, beamed at, embraced. One woman wiggled up next to him. At one point, about 15 voters posed for a group picture like it was the last day of camp. The "Nashville '08 Debate" T-shirts are in the mail.Git R Done, America.
These uncommitted voters wanted to be next to Barack Obama, and the adulation from the audience helps explain why he won the debate. In the post-debate polls on CNN and CBS, he was the clear winner, and he also won Fox's focus group.
Obama's likeability is good for him and bad for McCain, of course, but it also undercuts McCain's credibility. It exposes the picture McCain has been painting of Obama in the last few days as a caricature. Since McCain's slide in the polls, he has started personal attacks questioning Obama's character and values. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain asks on the stump and in his ads. Sarah Palin says Obama isn't from "regular" America. He's out of the mainstream, aides regularly say.
That cartoon version of Obama didn't show up for the 90-minute debate Tuesday. If it had, those audience members would have been waving garlic as they fled from the room rather than sticking around so they could tell their neighbors about it...
The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. said 51 percent of those polled thought Biden did the best job, while 36 percent thought Palin did the best job."MORE LIKABLE"?!??? She came across as big, phony asshole! Are people actually falling for this transparent act? The fucking babe-in-the-woods routine??
But respondents said the folksy Palin was more likable, scoring 54 percent to Biden's 36 percent....