Monday, January 13, 2020

The Lost Decade

I just had to fill out a background check for a new gig and dug through this old blog to figure out how long I've been living at my current address. And I found this blog entry, chronicling my last hours at my previous address. What a bleak walk through memory lane! I've really been in this tomb for over a decade...

Too often, I feel like Rip Van Winkle. Like I fell asleep and woke up ancient. How do I account for all this time? How do I spin this journey into a more flattering account...??

It's so strange to plunder through the archives of this blog and see how much I used to write here. To read anecdotes I've completely forgotten.

Oh well, whatever, nvm.

2020 is a loaded year, kids. Brace yourselves.

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