Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Last Tuesday

You drained my heart...
and made a spade...

More and more convinced that this is what I've needed to do. Not just for my own good. For everyone I work with at this deskjob. My exit means timely promotions for others. NewSleazeOn can stop smoking coz he doesn't have to be my smoke-buddy no more. It's like there's some kind of greater plan set in motion.

It's my second to last day and I'm dying here. I thought I'd have some fun, but I just hate being here... the novelty of having one foot out the door has worn thin.

Clocked in 20 minutes late this mourn. Doesn't matter. Even if I have to slouch back here in a few months with my tail between my legs, I can claim that I was fucking up during this last month because I was preoccupied and working late.

Let's go already!!!


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