Tuesday, August 28, 2007

You Should Be Ashamed of What You Have Eaten

You know, I recall there was some dissent about my christening my UWS apartment "The Fortress of Solitude 2.0"... I guess because it didn't seem as cold and prison-like as the original place... but in this odd way it's more of a FOS than the FOS 1.0!

I actually entertained people in the FOS 1.0. I had parties and screenings. Held rehearsals. I enjoyed having people over.

The 2.0, despite being in a far nicer neighborhood, has remained largely off-limits, with rare exceptions. It just can't accommodate many people. Even having one person over makes it feel a lot more cumbersome.

Quiet week, this week. The time around these big holiday weekends is usually pretty quiet, as the suits go off on holidays. I'm trying to see if I can hatch a new screenplay this week, just to have something else going. (An action movie, I think.)

I've got work cut out for me if I want to be able to afford a Fortress of Solitude 3.0 big enough to have people over...


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