Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guess I Needed Some Time to Get Away

Last day of March, 2011. Fighting to keep my head and get it all done.

I really should take a vacation at some point. Go somewhere. Get out of the city.

That's what people do, isn't it? I know because I've seen it on Facebook.

They travel. They see other parts of the world. They bask in the sun.

The thought rarely occurs to me because I have been so focused on career for the past 5 years (or longer?). If I take a vacation, that might be a month's rent. Or the cost of a few therapy sessions. Or any number of practical things.

So I hunker down in this godforsaken city and craft my little horror stories, with the dim hope that a few of these things will afford me the ability to actually live a little eventually.

I believe in what I'm doing but sometimes it feels like magical thinking.


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