Monday, June 05, 2006

War Chronicles

Thought July was forever way, but now it feels like it's closing in like a heat-seeking missile. (Hopefully not a bomb...)

How about that Sopranos finale...?

Lousy weekend for progress. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

There is so much I need to get done this month. Hopefully it's not for nothin.

It's going to be a lean month. I'll need to live off the hors d'oeuvres at the cocktail parties I go to.

There's about to be this huge upheaval at work. I really wish I didn't have to deal with it this month, but there isn't much I can do except suffer the effects. I'm not going to win any awards for Employee of the Month.

There's a lot going on but not a great many things I can confirm yet. I just wish I didn't have to waste 40 hours at work this week.


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