Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snakes in a Dream

[Dream Interlude]
Had a dream I was in Chicago, with a lot of people -- I don't know who they were supposed to be. We were set up in a huge flat with a bunch of rooms, but there were a lot of people, but I managed to get a "single". And it was freezing. And we were there for a wedding. And I had lost my luggage.

At a certain point, the dream must have switched to something else, because suddenly I was in the wilderness. Two other people had set up a fire, but let it go out before I had cooked my meat. As the fire died out, I tried to cook a raw chicken breast. Wasn't working very well, and I was hunched close to the smoldering fire pit, and then I got distracted by something that looked like a cross between a snake and an ostrich...

And no sooner had I noticed it than I felt something snug around my throat. And it tightened around my throat until I couldn't breathe. And then I woke up.

... and the television was on and set to The Discovery Channel's Survivor Weekend...

I'm glad it wasn't on Autopsy.


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