Misanthropy Central Lurker of the Week: Nicholas Gaffney!
I write some entries about wanting to learn meditation... and I get this David Lynch book on meditation in the mail:
Nicholas Gaffney of Lebanon, NH.
Mr. Gaffney is a photographer who teaches photography and digital media at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH. His website informs me that he is also a "46er", whatever that could possibly mean. (I can only assume it's related to alcoholism.)
It is also possible that Mr. Gaffney attended college with me, but this has yet to be verified.
As it is apparent that my blog is an inadvertent wishing well, my next expressed desire is to date Winona Ryder. Not to go on *a* date with Winona Ryder. I would like a serious, extended, committed relationship. For good or ill, really. The ultimate fate does not matter as much, as long as it produces offspring. Make this so, Mr. Gaffney.
I to am a 46er..Which means Mr. Gaffney has climbed the 46 tallest mountains in New York's Adirondack State Park
Yeah, I knew that -- I was just taking the piss!
No, actually, it has something to do with booze...
Stick around at home. You're gonna have to sign for that Winona package...
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