I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind.
He's like a living parody. A satirical imitation of life.
I'm always trying to better myself in different ways but I try not to shove it down people's throats. In fact, some things I prefer not to share with anyone unless I absolutely need to.
That said, humor me as I share a relatively innocuous thing I'm trying to sort out...
I've come to realize that I've got a bit of a concentration problem. I have a hard time clearing my head. It can probably be tracked back to any number of traumatic things from my childhood and adolescence. The fact remains, my train of thought it always rolling. Makes it difficult to fall asleep at night. Makes it harder to write...
For a while, I thought it made my writing more unique—but I've come to realize that it's actually hindered my writing. If I could focus better, maintain some clarity in my skull a little longer, I'd have an easier time writing. Instead of the war it's always been. It's so easy to get accustomed to work-arounds, you get to think that's the way something ideally works.
So, what's it going to be, then, eh?
It may sound like bullshit but I need to get it down. So far, I have been awful with it, but I need to keep working at it...
What a coinkidink, I'm trying the same thing. Hopefully it'll work for both of us.
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