Saturday, January 29, 2011

IFC: Now with Censorship and Commercial Interruptions

One of the lovely things about the Independent Film Channel was that the programming (films, shorts, television shows) were uncut, uncensored and uninterrupted by commercial breaks. You could watch old Arrested Development episodes without fast-forwarding through commercials. (Or, for folks without DVR, without suffering them.)

Things have begun to change...

Now every program has commercial interruptions. They've started airing old MR. SHOW episodes, which is grand, but commercial breaks completely ruin the flow of that show. Same goes for their airings of The Larry Sanders Show.

Curiouser still, I've noticed they started bleeping out the f-bombs in IFC baby The Whitest Kids U' Know. TWKUK gets censored but other shows can drop the f-bomb? What's the gag?

Naturally, they started this new policy without any major announcements to spin it. But I found these two articles addressing the issue:

IFC Corporatespeak

Advertising Age

IFC's Facebook page is riddled with enraged comments.

Alas, this is the way of the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just noticed that IFC is playing commercials, what's going on!! LOL

'curiouser still' ... extra LOL

6/23/2011 03:00:00 AM  

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