Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Bad Son

Phone call, with dad:

"Hi, Malice, tenks for calling me back!"

"Hey, dad. What's up?"

"Did you see da papers? Da news about deh Beep Recall?"

"Deep Recall? What is that?"


"Deep Recall? Is that a company?"

"No, *BEEP* RECALL. Dere's a spokesperson for de company, Topps Meat..."

"Ohhh, *beef* recall..."

"Yes, beep recall! Dere's a spokesperson for Topps Meat wit your mudder's name..."

(checking internet) "Yeah, look at that..."

"I tot it was your mudder, so I called your seestar, but your seestar sed it wasn't her. But I tot it was punny..."

"Yeah, pretty funny..."

"So, what about your ex? Do you talk to her?"


"But you are een da same, what-do-you-call, business..."

"Not really. She's only in theater. She's behind me."

"But she studies so much."

"She's had a lot of school, but it doesn't make a difference. I've been writing a lot longer than she has."

"But she is okay?"

"I don't know, I don't talk to her."

"But you don't, what-do-you-call... quarrel...?"

"No, we can be civil. But there's no reason to talk to her. I don't like her."

"I see..."

[Awkward silence.]

"Well, I'b got baykayshun time coming up, I'b got to teyke. At deh end ub dis munt. Ip you wanted to, you cud come bisit me here..."

"Yeahhh, I 'll see, you know it's hard for me to plan ahead with everything. I might have to fly to L.A., I never know what my schedule's going to be..."

"Okeh... well, call me prum time-to-time to let me know how you are doing..."

"Sure, pop. Talk soon."


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