Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blue Jet Down

I used to love JetBlue. It was affordable. Reliable. No "first-class" eliminated the social divide. The ability to channel-surf satellite tv at your seat went a long way toward letting you forget that you were hurtling through space in a tin can coffin.

And then—inevitably perhaps—their business started going to the the shitter.

My sister's not here this weekend because JetBlue has conveniently suffered another round of fuck-ups. They just flat-out canceled my sister's flight from Oregon. Refunded her, but couldn't manage to get her out here. (I guess with JetBlue, it's like buying a lottery ticket and just hoping you get what you want, against absurd odds.) She has to miss one of her best friends' wedding. My mom is severely disappointed she won't get to see her on Sunday. And I sister-proofed the Fortress of Solitude 2.0 for nothing!

Ain't it fun when companies start fucking up? I'm in the queue to get my XBOX 360 repaired for the second time. I just hope I don't end up with a story like this guy, who's somehow loyal to the XBOX brand after 11 broken 360s. Attention must be paid, people.


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