Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Misanthropy on a Plane

Neat thing about flying JetBlue is that you get to watch unedited TV at your seat. Not the usual edited-for-airplanes programming. One of my first flights on JetBlue, I remember watching 9/11 footage on CNN. On an airplane! For some reason, it was comforting. It felt less like I was stuck in a vacuum, forcibly severed from the real world.

If it disturbed you, you could just switch channels.

(But why would you? That footage is DY-NO-MITE! Never gets old, am I right?)

Hate flying, though. I know statistically it's safer than sticking cotton swabs in your ear, but it's just excruciating. Getting to the airport, getting through security, and suffering the claustrophobia as you hurtle precariously through space in a sardine can.


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