Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Vangelis Again!

Working from home... is not the happy-go-lucky merry-go-round I dreamed it would be. Last night, I got so stir-crazy, I was tempted to take a late night walk down to the old day-job office to have a smoke with old 2nd-shift Sleazy.

I ended up just taking a little walk to clear my head. 40-50 blocks, no smoking allowed. It's amazing what a little pointless walking can do.

I'm still trying to find my groove. People offer suggestions, but it's a personal thing and I've just got to figure it out for myself. I get too caught up in not doing the wrong things and I'll end up not doing anything.

But I'm going to figure it out. Because I am a fucking champ. And don't you ever forget it...


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