Saturday, November 04, 2006

Head Like a Hole

My bathroom is so small and poorly designed, yesterday I tripped over the side of my bathtub and hit my head. It's so small, it's got no business having a full-size bathtub in it. How asinine would it have been if I'd broke my neck by going to brush my teeth?

Renewing my lease. Got the option to renew for 1 year or 2, but I did the math and I don't really save much by going for the 2-year. And as much as I love my neighborhood, I am paying an absurd amount for the pittance of square feet I've got. I love living in Manhattan, but it is psychotic how much the rent is. Everybody knows that, but the price of living alone in a tiny studio apartment is just unconscionable. What a silly fucking city.

I'm going to live here at least another year. Moving's just too pricey and obnoxious. If I can keep my career moving in an upward trajectory next year... maybe I could look into finding a bigger place by the time I've gotta renew the lease again.

Next year, the majority of my friends will be based in Brooklyn. But really, eff Marty Markowitz and the horse he rode in on. YOU HEAR ME, MARKOWITZ?? I'M TAWKIN TO YOU!!!


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