Monday, November 27, 2006

So Lo

So many things weighing on my head, can hardly think clearly enough to write about anything here. Entertained some violent thoughts about my idiot Russian super. Suffered another mild crisis over my writing ability... and my ability to lead a normal life. The holidays put me in a black mood, no matter how hard I try to combat it. Crossed my mind to reconnect with my therapist, but I admit to feeling a bit Tom-Cruise-ish toward the field of psychotherapy.

I know it's Misanthropy Central, but let me try to dwell on some positives...

Finally got through all my reading/reviewing assignments for SPF '07. (It's gonna be a corker next July, lemme tell you...) Got a good clip of writing done last night. Took my mom to see THE QUEEN yesterday and have made peace with the fact that I think Helen Mirren's a bit of a GILF. (Though I'd be hard pressed to point out any celeb I wouldn't -LF.)

This year, the holidays happen to coincide with a sort of crossroads for my life. I've got a mountain of writing to get through. My "3-month leave" from work is over at the end of December, and I've got to make the final decision on how potentially difficult I want to make my life over the next year. I've been feeling uniquely alien, lately. Banished to the Isle of Misfit Toys. But if that were the analogy, I'd have other misfit toys to interact with. It's more like I've drifted off into the middle of a Sea of Depression, upon a leaky raft of despair...

Who says I'm a bad writer...?!

(Everyone. Behind your back.)


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