Monday, March 27, 2006

Slow Motion

Hello. I'm the slowest writer on mother earth. I need a better system. I'm so easily and willfully distracted. I should have gotten a lot more done this weekend, but I ended up finishing a rough draft of something I expected to finish last weekend. Go Malice!

Screenwriting -- and I'll including writing television in that -- can be a cumbersome, technical thing. This is what I want to do with my life and yet writing the ACTION can really kill me. Painting in broad strokes, implying more detail than there actually is. It's up to other people to fill in the screen. And yet, trying to do that with clarity and elegance can be a real pain in the gulliver.

I prefer writing the dialogue, but even the dialogue needs to be concise. A few lines before setting up a new slugline and diving into another description.

Everybody thoroughly bored with my whining on a Monday mourning? Perfect.