Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I hereby propose we eliminate all days of the week except for Friday and Saturday. These days will be made much longer to fill up the gap.

Slow day at the farm today. Would have meant more blogging/writing, but I got caught up chatting with the coworkers...

Sometimes, I can "fake" being nice too well. You fool someone too well, they think you're a friend and then it's a whole new level of faking you've gotta do. (Not to say I fake it with my "real" friends... heheh...) I got stuck chatting with this annoying girl at the office (who no one likes) and I actually ended up asking her about her cats.

Don't get me wrong, I *like* cats. But as for a conversation topic at the office, I think I'd rather talk about skin disorders.

She actually asked me if I wanted to participate in some skills-sharing workshop deal. (Everyone teaches everyone else some skill.) She's trying to put it together for sometime in October. How will Malice get out of this one, true believers...?

Stay tuned, motherfuckers...


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