Saturday, March 12, 2011

Russell Hantz Has a Posse (on Survivor)

It finally happened. Episode 4 of "Survivor: Redemption Island", Russell Hantz's third season playing SURVIVOR, the berserker met the executioner's ax.

He bulldozed through to the end of his first season. Miraculously.

It shouldn't have worked again, but he bulldozed through to the end of his second season, playing amidst vets.

I've marveled at this guy's ability to play the game. His weakness has been his inability to switch up his gameplay. There was something anticlimactic about how he got tossed off this season. The season was advertised as "ROB VERSUS RUSSELL" and Russell's now gone only 4 episodes in. [SPOILER ALERT, by the way.] The first time they only brought back TWO people who'd played the game before. And very quickly, one of them is out. I was really hoping for a bigger end for him.

Rob, on the other hand, proves that he really is a master at this game. Whereas Russell didn't bother concealing the fact that he was hunting for the immunity idol, Rob took care to cover his tracks. Why wouldn't you do that?! Making up a story about being constipated in order to safely excuse himself for an extended stretch of time was perfect.

A shame to see Russell go like that.

Let's see you play this to the end, Boston Rob. It's all you, now.



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