Friday, July 30, 2010

Hayride Massacre at Dahlia Creek

I suck. I confess.

I was hoping I could whack my script into shape by this weekend, but it's not happening. There's too much I want to develop before I'm willing to show my reps what I've been working on for the better part of this year.

Next weekend. Seriously.

When I'm writing a script like this, I see the ideal movie in my head. I've already watched the movie in some deep dream and I'm just trying to accurately describe it on the page. Each pass I make, I'm endeavoring to get it closer and closer to that incredible version that I originally dreamed. Trying to remember what made it work, what made it resonate. What made me want to write this and share this with people in the first place. It's all so easy to lose sight of.

I need this to be great. I need my reps to look at the draft I give them and be like, Whoa... I can see why it took him a while to write this...


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