Saturday, May 15, 2010

The End Rises Up Like a Fist to the Jaw


Nothing like a lonely Friday night in NYC to write a blog entry about SURVIVOR that 3 people will bother reading. How about that penultimate episode, people?

Going into the finale extravaganza on Sunday, we've got our final 5:

Before I get into anything, let me just reiterate that I've really enjoyed watching the "Ponderosa" videos of the latest ousted over on the CBS page. Yes, you've got to suffer the obnoxious video system that CBS set up and most of you will not bother, but I've found it to be a fascinating extension of the broadcasted show. You really get a different, deeper picture of each *character*.

For instance, one of the first things that tie-dyed hippy-pirate Rupert does once he gets back to civilization—lights up a cigarette!


Roid-Rager James was a smoker, too. I'm fascinated by that shit.

Anyway, evidence from the Ponderosa vids indicates that the loser jury seems to unanimously despise Russell Hantz. With good reason. And because of this, it would seem that he's cinched himself a spot in the final 2-3 again. I guess it's a valid strategy: make yourself such a flagrant bastard throughout, people WANT to take you to the end because you won't be such a threat in terms of votes. But can the berserker come up with a winning argument for the jury this time...? I love the relentless sonuvagun and, once again, I'm amazed he's made it this far... but I'm thinking he's not getting the votes again. Unless he manages to pull a serious Jedi mind-trick at the closer.

I'm thinking it'll either be Parvati or Sandra—two people who've previously won the "Sole Survivor" million, which would make it a real unprecedented coup to win again.

Obviously, there are circumstances where Jerri or Colby could win. Colby, if he lasts, is the only surviving "Hero" with a jury filled with fallen Heroes. He damn near slept through the entire season but he could get it just for being there. (Still, it'd be smarter to get him out.) Jerri could get it for not being Russell. Any of them could get it for not being Russell.

I still think it'd be incredible if Russell could find a way to sway that jury. Probably won't happen but I'm always rooting for those longshots.

This last episode marked the return of the "family reunion" bit, which was absent from the previous season. They tend to seem a little silly to me because these people are just gone for a month, but I found this one more interesting because it threw Russell's (cute) wife into the mix. I was curious how it'd affect his game since he's in "evil gamer mode"—and it's debatable how it did. He was clearly upset when Jerri didn't pick him to share in the reward, but it's not like he turned into Mr. Softy when his wife showed up.

Also: the Russell half-flip to the remaining Heroes. Sandra's lippiness toward Russ at the camp. Sandra playing her hidden immunity idol just in case. (It would've been useless after that tribal council and it would've been the dumbest move to NOT play it.)

Here's the thing: Probst reached Rupert's ousting number before revealing all the votes. It's only in the final vote-tally video that it's clear that Russell didn't end up turning on his team. And now he knows that Sandra's a bigger threat than expected. You know, for all the misogynistic shit he spewed during his original season, it's probably karma that all these women are running rings around him this season.

Favorite Season of Survivor Ever: check.



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