Friday, May 14, 2010

Survivor: Mickey Mouse Edition

Why so feral, Mickey? Are you incensed because this entry has nothing explicitly to do with Disney or Disney Theme Parks?

Well, it's the day after Survivor Thursday and as the grand HEROES VS. VILLAINS season is racing to its bloodbath conclusion, I thought it might be fun to take a look at a pop cultural curiosity that I was not aware of until recently.

SURVIVOR: THE RIDE at California's Great America.

A SURVIVOR-themed ride...?!??

From the description:
Alluring tropical landscapes. Pulsating jungle sounds. And heart-pounding, nonstop excitement at every turn. It’s all here at the world’s first reality rollercoaster, SURVIVOR The Ride™!...

... You’ll join one of two tribes, and then face off through exuberant tribal chants and ritual dance. (Losers, beware. . .native masks are rigged to spray you with a cool surprise!) Then, board a giant circular vessel, with a fiercely towering mask at its hub. You’ll sit facing outward and experience a riveting rocking and spinning as the platform swirls along a wave-like track—all while crisscrossing rugged terrain and climbing hills up to five stories tall!
What the huh? Perhaps an animated gif would make this clearer:

Get it now? It's EXACTLY like SURVIVOR.

Last person to vomit gets to stay in the park till closing. Everyone else gets kicked out.

Here's the ride in full motion video, if you're video enabled:

Uh oh... looks like Mickey's transmogrified into a Giger Alien...
"I'm Mickey Mouse! I run this game! I say who stays and who goes!"

Corporate mascots have such poor tempers...

If I could instantly ride any 3 rides from the history of Disney World, today they'd be:
1) Soarin'
2) Snow White
3) Everest



Anonymous son_of_the_mourning said...

1.) Mr. Toads Wild Ride
2.) Honey I Shrunk the Kids
3.) Tea Cups

5/14/2010 06:08:00 PM  

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