Monday, December 14, 2009

How I've Grown to Loathe "The Office" (U.S.)

Have you all seen the last episode of The Office??

Clearly, I am not talking to the people who've refused to acknowledge any iteration of the programme beyond its BBC origin.

The show is still well-received. Highest rated thing NBC's got going on Thursday nights. Critically well-acknowledged.

Not to be a hater (I realize the name of the blog), but I have grown fairly disgruntled with THE OFFICE.

Faux-documentary arguments aside, the show works best—IMHO—when it is grounded. And increasingly, it has wandered into the land of fanciful sitcomery.

The last episode concerned two members of the office who wanted to play Santa in the office this year. What does the office Santa do? Dress up as Santa and take pictures with office coworkers, as if they were children in a mall.

Wait, do people ever WORK in this office? Because no one seems to. They always have plenty of time for frivolous things like this. More and more as the seasons go by, in fact. And while the economy is dying, the company is falling apart and people are losing their jobs.

In another storyline in the same episode, one coworker hires a drumline to impress another coworker as a capper to purchasing her the full list from "the 12 days of Christmas", including a carful of swans. Here's a logic question: how much does this asshole earn in a year?

Oh, who cares, because it's a sight gag and the people who write for "THE OFFICE" have utterly and unapologetically lost touch with what it is like to work in a dead-end 9-5 office job!!!

I have worked in a lot of offices and I can't relate to ANY of what's been on this show lately.



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