Friday, September 11, 2009

Outta Get Me

You know shit's getting heavy when I can't even manage to update this silly fucking WEB LOG on a regular basis!!!

On Thursday afternoon, after putting it off for too many years, I officially submitted my application for a new passport. I'd been using my long-expired adolescent passport for a while now, as proof of citizenship for tax forms at new jobs.

Of course, I lost my black TUMI backpack last week, which had that expired adolescent passport in it. (No thanks to the craigslist community, btw.)

Part of the application for a new passport was reporting my lost passport, which was another reason I went through the process. (Which, admittedly, was not quite as cumbersome as I imagined it would be.)

Still... 4-6 business weeks to wait for it since I didn't want to shell out the extra cash for expediting. Since I didn't have an original copy of my birth certificate (do people have original copies of their birth certificates??), I had to use a childhood passport (that my mom gave me last weekend) to prove my citizenship. I should get both the returned childhood passport and the renewed passport in the mail in 4-6 weeks.

I don't know if I can afford to live in my apartment for another 4-6 weeks!

In the meantime... I can't prove my citizenship? While I'm trying to find work?

The past few days, I've been trying to get rid of unnecessary things. Preemptively grabbing cardboard boxes when I can. Working on a freelance job writing copy and designing art for a Nigerian housing project. Working on more movie treatments.

My life's felt pretty crazy before but I don't think it's ever been this schizophrenic.

This weekend... working on a Powerpoint portfolio for an ad agency interview I've got on Monday...

Hello, Powerpoint, my old friend... I've come to talk with you again...

(There's something about today that I'm forgetting about...)


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