Wednesday, January 14, 2009

you don't mean it but it hurts like hell

Another productive conference call with assorted producers Tuesday night. Just watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.

2009: Advantage Malice.

God. Damn. It. To. Hell.

I don't mean this to turn into some kind of navel-gazing blog rant but -- for fuck sake -- I have gone so far off the deep end, I do not know what I have been doing. But I can promise you, it has been self dehs truck tive.

I am in more pain than you can fucking fathom. I am in more pain than you can conjure up in your wildest dreams.

Mark these words, though, gentle dubious voyeuristic hating admiring curious lurking reader...

... even if I die young, I will be leaving a mark. I am determined to leave a mark.

An unsightly scar upon pop culture.

This is my final blog entry. Thank you for coming this far.


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