Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We'll Meet Again

In the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, the mass-produced humanoid Cylons can transfer their consciousness to another body when their current body is destroyed. Thusly, death doesn't mean an end.

"Death can be a learning experience."

I do loathe learning experiences...

This is a remarkably difficult time. Broken heart aside, my career is right on the edge and I don't know when it's going to take off or fall off. Which means eating pride --

[[["Pride? You've got pride left?!" needled the Gay Horse. "Reading this blog, all signs point to a notable dearth of pride! If there's any left in you, it'd make for a pitiable meal, I imagine...! Haaaay!!!"]]]

-- and applying for some bullshit office work to help make ends meet.

I've thought about looking for something other than traditional office temp work. Just to not feel the rut of that old routine. I'll see what I can do. If anyone's got some choice Glengarry leads, please share the wealth.

Everything is wrong. Do you know what I mean? Everything is wrong about right now. 2009 can only go up from here, yeh, but come on... is that the most optimistic thing I can say about right now?


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