Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Self-Righteous, Smug NPR-listening, (Mac-Hugging) Ultraliberals

Funny little article about trying not to hate our Park Slope bros and brosephines.

I've clocked a number of key years in Brooklyn. I've earned the right to be weary of it. Not to mention that it is a NASTY BITCH to get home from there at the end of a night. And EVERYONE who lives in Brooklyn loathes to hang out anywhere except within the playpen of Brooklyn.

(You know who you fuckin are—don't make me call you out!)

Even so, I may eventually move back there. Buy a Mac. Start listening to NPR.

Bags packed. Quarterly fucking dues to WGAE paid. Rent check's in the mail.

I dread traveling.

I like traveling, I just dread the details.

The post-9/11 airports. Making sure you've got everything you need. I always seem to end up with a little bit more or a lot less than I need.

I had better have a good time on this trip. This is supposed to be the part where it all gets a little more fun, right?


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