Teenage Anthem

Meeting with Par went off really well this morn. Some fine-tuning laid out for me to hammer, but nothing insurmountable. The pacing of beats. Some trims. Some additions. I was surprised at how much of it the executive liked.
Some sequences I thought he was going to rip into, he loved.
Some bits I thought he'd eat up, he spit out—but such is the process.
He read the script on his flight to NY on Monday: got excited enough about it to start talking it up to his boss... that's the next stage.
Anyway, it's a great relief the script is nearly there. I'll be rewriting this script a lot, but this first time through is the biggest hurdle. But I've got to make A LOT OF PEOPLE like this script before it gets made.
I hate trying to be both optimistic and pragmatic with my expectations. I'll just say I'm cautiously positive here.
In Writers Guild news, I just got an invitation from the F.B.I.!
An "informative and interactive discussion with FBI special agents and public affairs staff about the FBI..."
A free workshop they've set up in conjunction with the WGAE... to assist in the accurate portrayal of the FBI in Film & TV?
Could be fun... unless it's a trap.
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