Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Caught up on my beloved DVR watching and found out that my favorite fucking Survivor got voted off last week.

I know no one cares. I know no one still watches that show. But I loved her. The sort of love you assholes can never understand. A love that is reality-based.

I started watching this season coz the "race-war" angle suckered me in, but none of that shit ever heated up. (They shoulda had Spike Lee produce this season.) Now with the tribes all *integrated*, it's pretty much like any other fucking season of Survivor. Maybe with more Asians than usual... but aren't Asians the new Whites?

Though it gets old quick, I like the concept of Survivor. We're these animals that have developed complicated civilizations. We all exist in a world that none of us directly earned. Countries, governments, architecture, culture. You are born into something and you go with it (or at least react to it). Survivor is this strange experiment where a lot of that stuff is stripped away. Superficially, perhaps, but significantly enough to make for some interesting boob-tube time.

By the by, hooray for democracy, eh...?

Chinese Democracy next. (More specifically, November 21st. As rumours have it.)

Not Ogrish, but what else are you gonna read @ work...?

Oh... no...!


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