Thursday, July 20, 2006

Blood of Reptile

It was nice to take a break from Theater Row last night. Those people must be sick of me by now. I don't know if I'm going to get to see all the remaining shows this month. That was my initial plan, to support the other writers, but I honestly need some time off. I'll see as much as I can see.

Not sure what time I nodded off last night. I remember watching a full half-hour of "So You Think You Can Dance?", just because I was too tired to put in a DVD. I had two discs from Netflix sitting there. One was too scuffed to play. The other was a crappy doc called "Pornstar Pets". Sent out a few emails and nodded out way before my bedtime. Last night, I got a lot of sleep. 7 or 8 hours, maybe. It was needful. But I'm still tired this mourn.

At work so far today, I've done a final polish on the new play excerpt that'll be cold-read at Naked Angels/SPF this evening. Printed out copies for the readers and highlighted the individual scripts. There are the things I have control over and things I don't. My new mantra is, "There is nothing else I can do."

I'm gonna run out of food soon. Payday's a week away. May have to hit the soup kitchen with NewOp this weekend. We'll be the boys in cheap suits cramming bread rolls in our pockets.


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