Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The All-Nighter

I wish I could sleep like regular people sleep. But every so often, I get a night like this where I've just got to surrender to the insomnia.

It's not that I never sleep. I can sleep. In patches. Some nights, I get a pretty decent stretch of shut-eye. There were a few nights this weekend where I got a good 7 hours, I think.

And then there are nights like this.

I've gotta sleep with the television on. The light and the sound distract me slightly. They mix with my thoughts to create a kind of white noise. It's the closest I can come to "clearing my head", most nights.

I put the TV on "SLEEP". Nights like tonight, I've gotta keep resetting the SLEEP timer so the TV doesn't shut itself off before I can drift off.

At a certain point of no return, I've just gotta stay up or I'll sleep straight through the alarm clock.

In a few hours, I've gotta put in a 10-hour day at work and then attend the SPF Opening Night Party. I'm gonna die!


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