Tuesday, April 06, 2004

there is no why

O! Tuesday! what a painful slump of a day...

i'm feeling a little easier about my new position at work, even though i haven't technically done anything new yet. (not that any of you care either way.)

i loaned a friend my copy of Wong Kar Wai's FALLEN ANGELS, and in doing so was reminded how much i used to love that movie. Terribly sad & romantic.

i'm trying to catch up on projects i've procrastinated on. i shot two nights of a reading of "YELLOW GIRL" (by c. c.) many months ago and the footage has been sitting dormant on my harddrive since then. i'd like to finish editing it and clear it off my harddrive. [perhaps have a screening of it for the cast, if they're interested.]

then, of course, i've got two nights of my BUTCHERHOUSE CHRONICLES that i shot and haven't touched. i really should try to go through that, though it's going to be a motherfucker to edit. and relive.

future generations will appreciate my obscurity.


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