Sunday, March 28, 2004

Rolling Stone

Apparently I'm in the new issue of ROLLING STONE -- well, the letters section. I haven't gotten my copy yet, but I'd written to comment on an article they'd published about the recent spate of NYU suicides. Thing is, lots of NYU kids were committing suicide back when I was there (1993-1997) but for some reason it never reached the media like it has this time. (My freshman year alone, 3 kids leaped from my dorm. In fact, the shit-heels who ran my dorm tried to move me into a vacancy created by one of the suicides.)

Anyway, the article was called "The Lost Freshman" (by Janet Reitman) and it's really fascinating if you can find it. I did a search for the article online but only came up with this blog entry. Some kids who knew Stephen Bohler commented that the article got some things wrong and that the writer didn't talk to the right people -- people who really knew Stephen. Suicide's a complicated, totally irrational thing -- which i imagine must be the biggest difficulty to trying to trace a "reason" in the aftermath.


Blogger Raed Moustafa said...

"Dear New York University (Leaders,)

I have read that there were suicides at your academic and teaching institution (of post-secondary, school, learning) - and since the 1(,)900 anno domini (A.D.) ('s.

3 possibly in a Freshman, class, one-reportedly: beginning that period. Please ensure that academic campuses are closed at Abu Dhabi and Shanghai while you (consider) impursing (reimbursing) students for their time - all at day 0 (of freshman year) - during their stay at your 4 year school. (There is no argument about this (judgment)).

Thank you,
Moustafa, Raed"

3/22/2023 03:05:00 AM  

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