Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Paddy's

o how the day progresses with such lethargy… i shouldn’t be updating from work, but i am the work of the devil… idle hands, and so forth...

it is so difficult to put blinders on and do your creative work at your own pace without looking over your shoulder to see how everybody else is progressing. i know it's just the kiss of death to try to compare yourself to other folks, in terms of creative accomplishments and vocational advancement, but it's sooo hard not to.

still. must try to concentrate on my own work. not just "keeping up". that will only lead to crapitude.

the other week, i met a woman from, purportedly, the very first Dramatic Writing Program class at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. (My old haunt.) I graduated in 1997. she went there in 1980. i was surprised at the number of teachers we had in common, despite the gap. she was just as bitter an alum as anybody i went to school with... that woman's name? Amy Heckerling... ha ha. actually, i don't even remember what her name was. this is why i'm a retarded networker. (that and the whole 'misanthropy' thing...)

every week, to help boost morale, the head trainer at work has been given *permission* to forward everybody a "Joke of the Week", provided that it is *clean* and inoffensive. this week's entry:

--begin forward--

Faith and Begorah, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!

It took me a while to find a joke that was both appropriate for the day and appropriate for the workplace. But I believe the one below will do. I found it at

I hope everyone enjoy this day 'o the green. Remember the immortal words of my Father: "There are two kinds of people in this world - those who are Irish and those who wish they were."

Erin go Bragh!



A lawyer from Texas, while hunting in the West of Ireland, brought down a fowl which landed in a farmer's field. As the Texan climbed over the wall to retrieve the bird, the elderly owner appeared asking what he was doing. The lawyer replied, "I shot that bird y'see lyin there, and now I'm about to pick it up."

The old man answered, "This is my property yer crossin into, and I'm tellin you, yer not coming over."

The indignant attorney said, "I'll have you knw that I'm one of the best solicitors in all of the US, and if you don't let me retrieve my bird, I'll take ye to court for everything y'own!"

The old farmer looked him over and said, "Well now, being as how you're not from around here, you don't know how we settle things like this. Y'see now, here we use the three-kick method.

"And what would that be?", asked the lawyer.

The farmer said, "First I kick you three times and then you do the same to me, and back and forth like that till one or the other gives up."

The Texan thought this over, and quickly decided he could easily take the old codger, and agreed to the local custom. The old farmer walked slowly over to the lawyer. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy boot in the solicitor's groin dropping him to his knees. The second blow nearly wiped the lawyers nose off his face. The attorney was flat on the ground when the farmer's third kick to the kidney almost finished him.

The lawyer dug deep for his every bit of will, dragged himself standing, and said, "Okay you old bugger, now it's my turn.

The old farmer just smiled and said, "Naw I believe I'll give up now. You can have the bird."

--end forward--

d'ja see that comin' a mile away...?

no? shame on you...

what a discouraging world...

how'm i gonna get home with all this irish pride in my way?


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