Sunday, March 14, 2004

come see the paradise

Well, this is my sad attempt to spruce up the look of my blog, using my 2nd grade knowledge of HTML and some rudimentary Illustrator skillset. (Like throwing paint on a shitty old car.) This BLOGGER template I use, they don't even offer anymore and it's kind of a dump. I don't even know how to fix the archives, which is why I have it set to show so many of my old posts on this main page. (Because I know there is such a desperate demand to read all my old posts.)

Friends have been trying to convince me to blog elsewhere, and/or to use different programs, but it takes a lot of courage to just pick up sticks and move elsewhere. It's like being stuck in a bad relationship: it's such a mess but I believe I can make it work... I've invested so much into it, I can't give up now...!

I'm revisiting an old horror script I wrote in film school. I swear, I don't just write horror. I just feel like it's a genre that can be exploited so much more than it has been. And I want to be part of that exploitation.


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