Sunday, February 22, 2004

A Walk in the Park

The cold aftermath.  The day after.  All that buildup and then the buzzing silence.
The second night was infinitely better than the first.  Everybody kept it rolling.  I was with the story all the way through.  I got some very positive feedback, *both* nights.  And yet, I'm left with an empty feeling.  More than half my friends/acquaintances didn't even come up to me at the end to say anything.  I thought it played really beautifully the second night, and yet there wasn't much change in the response.
Yeah, it runs too long and there's a lot I'd want to fine tune with the text before taking it further -- but I have seen so many bloody fucking awful pieces of shit theater over the years, from friends and strangers... at least I was trying to do something different...
There's this arrogant, white-bread guy named **** I know from work, he does this monthly one-man kind of show called "New Normal" that is fucking the WORST ticket in town.  I've seen it FOUR times and it's gotten progressively worse.  There is something totally delusional in him where he thinks it's a raving success.  HE thinks it's like nothing the world has ever seen before, and yet I've seen it plenty before and his is a piss poor example of it.  He's very charismatic and he gets a lot of folks from work to go, but he doesn't seem to realize that it's this same bunch of friends of his coming to his stupid show every month, blowing sunshine up his ass.  He came the second night, ate pumpkin seeds and drank beer in the back row, tried to chat it up with C. while she was trying to run the lights/sound -- tried to get her to come to his show the next week.  At the end of the show, he just gently shook my hand without saying anything, as if he were being noble and gentlemanly and diplomatic and had nothing positive to say so he didn't want to say anything.  What a dickhead.  He thinks he knows me, but he has no fucking idea.  It was a mistake to advertise this at work.
OK.  Positive thoughts.  A lot of good.  A lot of good feedback.  It's only my first solo outing.  It was a small show, I'm young and I'm exploring.  Not everything has to be an unequivocal success.  It's good to try different things.  I'll do better next time.
For today, however, I hide away from the world, like Axl Rose...


Blogger Raed Moustafa said...

Reads like that he likes you . . . (that guy).

3/18/2023 09:01:00 AM  

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