Thursday, August 15, 2013

Average Frustrated Raccoon

Tuesday night, bar trivia with coworkers. Factoring in Friday night beers at the dock, it's less than a week into the new gig and there's already been 110% more socializing. Our team won the trivia night but it was probably the easiest, least competitive bar trivia I've ever participated in. (Our team name: Lee Daniels' The Trivia Team)

Why do people who work 9-5 jobs schedule drinking outings on weeknights like Tuesday and Wednesday? I guess it makes it easier than loading all the drinking on Thursdays and Fridays. Gives you a reason to look forward to a useless fucking day like Tuesday.

Gave myself advance permission to take Wednesday morning as a "cheat day" -- sleep in, skip the gym, etc. But I woke up even earlier than usual. 3:30am. To the sound of the absent roommate's cat crying at my closed bedroom door. I cracked it open and let her lie beside me for a spell until she decided to bite me (fucking cats), and I shooed her off. Couldn't get back to sleep.

Got to the gym even earlier than usual and took my own sweet time there. Listened to a Breaking Bad podcast discuss the first new episode of the final stretch. Watched two men almost come to blows in the gym lobby over some unknowable act of mutual disrespect.

Still finding my groove with this new schedule.

The summer's been a pain in the ass. Mainly because of apartment issues -- which will hopefully get resolved in a few weeks.

A lot of people take last minute summer vacations in August. That's why the business can get a little sleepy around now. I can't afford to kick back. While I'm waiting to hear back on X and Y, I've got to be working on Z. I will not give up on this year.


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