Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Whatever Happened to Tom Hanson?

Back in the day when Johnny Depp was a tweeny-bopper, Tiger Beating heart-throb on 21 JUMP STREET, he was mortified by the fame and the tv show and his adolescent fanbase.

Now that he's gotten a bit of distance, and a few feature film roles under his belt, Depp's appraisal of the property that launched him has softened. In reference to the big screen 21 JUMPSTREET adaptation (being penned by Jonah Hill), Depp says:

"I’m hoping they’ll let me do a cameo. Someone will say, ‘Whatever happened to Tom Hanson?’ and they’ll find me somewhere hoarding jars of peanut butter and shaking in my underpants.”

(P.S. The LOST finale sucked.)


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