Monday, May 24, 2010

Over 120 Hours of Utter Shit

Hey, true believers! Did you give up on LOST years ago?

Well, I didn't.

I kept watching even as it grew frustrating and downright obnoxious. Because I honestly believed that it was going somewhere. For years, the showrunners promised concrete answers to a growing stockpile of mysteries and a breathtaking endgame.

Sunday night, they shat their endgame into a toilet bowl and flushed away the entire series.

Beyond not offering answers to ANY glaring questions, with one obscenely shitty plot twist they succeeded in negating any goodwill I had for the show.

LOST fails so spectacularly with its finale, it strips the entire show of value.

There will be many apologists who will contend that the show ultimately wasn't about the mysteries, but that's a complete cop-out. Because many of the mysteries involved the peculiar, extended motivations of many of the characters. This is more than just a handful of loose ends. This is a profoundly relentless failure.

Grade: B-

"The LOST Finale Was Incredibly Dumb"


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