Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sex Spikes

I'm fascinated by the traffic spikes this blog gets with certain entries.

Misanthropy Central averages around 40-60 "unique hits" on weekdays, with maybe 12-15 regular "returning visitors".

Note, however, the spikes on April 17 and 26 on this area graph. Those correspond with posting links to the blog in the comments section of GAWKER, relating to Alison Brie and "Boobquake".

The Verdict: a lot of people read GAWKER and I'd probably enjoy a much bigger audience if this were exclusively a lad rag blog. What's the point of writing words when all I need to do is post pictures of boobies?

Okay, I'm not THAT MUCH a whore for hits. This blog is, and always will be, whatever I need it to be at any given time. Pop-culture aggregator, manic depressive journal, social/political rant, lad rag. And, of course, the miscellaneous entries that provoke friends to email me to ask, "What's up with that entry you wrote today?" This is why it's doomed to maintain a small audience. And I'm comfortable with this.

I hate all the uncertainty in my life over the past two years. There, I said it. I've been flying blind for so long, I miss the pedestrian security of a regular soul-sucking day-job. That is a sad confession.


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