Friday, October 16, 2009

Balloon Boy: MYTH BUSTED

I was out and missed most of the media coverage of the boy who supposedly climbed into a big balloon and floated away.

The story was slathered all over the media. People panicked over the idea of this kid being carried away in this balloon.

Of course, the idea of this had already been proven impossible on Mythbusters:


From the Wiki:
"Carried Away"
The Build Team takes on a gag used in many comedic works, where a baby or small child could be lifted into the air and fly away unintentionally when given helium balloons.

Myth Statement:
A 4 year old child can be lifted by a bunch of party balloons.

Status: BUSTED!
It would require such a large number of balloons (3,500) to lift an average four-year-old girl of 44 pounds (20 kg) just a few feet off the ground that there is no way the myth could have happened unintentionally.


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