Friday, June 12, 2009

Pushing Daisies

"Pushing Daisies" is a perfect example of a show that I watched far longer than I really needed to. (See "Life on Mars", "Heroes"...) Evidence that I watch far more television than I should. And yet still manage to miss shows that I hear are good. (See "Mad Men", "Breaking Bad".)

Not that it matters too much because it's canceled and nearly run its course.

So, what kept me going with this show...?

Veneer of a black comedy. Tim-Burton-esque visuals. The fantastical narratives that require NO RESEARCH to write (which was a consideration when I was contemplating taking a television-writing path). Certain darker story elements I was intrigued by, like doomed love.

Why should I have quit this show earlier...?

It's a romantic comedy for lovebirds.

The show is the equivalent of the couple who makes out in the middle of a crowded subway car—completely, willfully, offensively oblivious to the rest of the world.

A show so obnoxiously concerned with the pure magic and whimsy of LOVE, it beats you to death with it. And then brings you back to life so it can beat you some more.

The show is repellently cute. It is headache-inducing. From the art-design to the storylines to the character quirks to the fucking dialogue. It makes you want to puke with the cute. Way too cute and way too proud of its own cuteness.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.


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