Friday, February 20, 2009

Shootin' at the Walls of Heartache (BANG, BANG!)

This ought to be one of the most exciting times of my life. It's like a rollercoaster, you gotta enjoy the ride...

But it's NOT a fucking rollercoaster.

Rollercoasters are safe. You're strapped in. You can see the track ahead. You see all the people who've gone on the same ride seven times today who are still alive and are having a blast of it.

What if you didn't know there was ANY track ahead...?

What if you weren't sure that car wasn't going to just SMASH STRAIGHT DOWN INTO THE CONCRETE BELOW...?!

Then it becomes a form of torture.

I am riding without a safety bar here. Nothing to offer solace except some encouraging words. Nothing to hold me. Nothing to hold onto.

This is so fucking irresponsible. All I'm doing is closing my eyes and hoping there's a track ahead to take me somewhere safer.


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