Monday, August 18, 2008

Star Wars Babies

I admit to a certain morbid fascination with train-wrecks.

From Harry Knowles's passionately negative review of The Clone Wars, released this past weekend:
Then they introduced Baby Jabba (aka Rotta the Huttlet, aka Stinky). At the point of this character’s introduction – it officially became the worst character in the history of STAR WARS. If you hate George Lucas cutsiepoo bullshit – oooooooh boy. You’re gonna have a field-day of venting and hatred directed at this unbelievably fucking awful little shit. It farts, makes pukey faces and is just unbearably bad.
Stop the press.

A character called "Stinky the Hutt"?

That farts and makes "pukey faces"?

Did Mel Brooks write this?

Now I have to see it. I have to.


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