NYCC: The Sexual Orientation Game

All right, sorry I had to drag Micks into this one. Just snapped this pic of this nice big statue of him and had to squeeze it into the week's entries.
The real star of today's entry is, naturally, The Sexual Orientation Game... dot-com—

Really, "The Sexual Orientation Game" people? Did you REALLY think this would be a successful launch of your awful, awful product?
I'm sorry, but The Sexual Orientation Game might have to take home the EPIC FAIL award.
Speaking of stuff I don't get...

Now, I'm all for frilly devotchkas prancing about. Especially when about 74% of the people there were geeky geek-o-pods with bad skin.
But the Goth Lolas seemed slightly out of place. Not instantly recognizable from some classic I.P. like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings.
The girls seemed to stick together. Like a little school of fish. Safety in numbers. Couldn't tell whether they were fans dressing up or part of this official Gothic & Lolita booth.
But even though they were dressed up as obscure anime characters we weren't familiar with... we loved them. Because they were girls. At a comic book convention.
In other news, read about Scientology's first celebrity defector.
Oh, and Connor Cruise—Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman's adopted kid—is going to play a young Will Smith in a movie. How's THAT for Scientolo-Synergy!

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