Wednesday, February 13, 2008

War Officially Over

Ran straight from work, through the stinging snow, to the Crowne Plaza Hotel on 49th and B'way. Scene of the Saturday informational meeting. Same ballroom, now set up for a vote.

I arrived during the last hour of the voting period. Tom Fontana rode the escalator just ahead of me. That motherfucker always seems to arrive just around the time that I arrive. As if to emphasize the fact that we do not talk.

The ballroom resembled the end of some community center holiday party. Coffee and cake and cookies laid out. The vote was a simple paper ballot, check YES or NO to lift the strike orders. Would've taken 5 seconds to fill out, but I took my own sweet time as I scarfed down some free refreshments.

Just a few hours later, the votes were all counted.

The members of the WGAE & W voted by a 92.5% margin to lift the restraining order that was invoked on November 5th.


My mercy-time at the day job is now counting down. They're already asking how much longer I need to stay there. That's something I can't quite answer in definite terms just yet.

Most important is avoiding the sad fate of Pat Hobby.


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