God is an American

I think this is a strange and fascinating idea that addresses the old "Schlumpy-Man and his Hot-Wife" sitcom conceit that goes all the way back to The Honeymooners.
You see a couple on the street—you don't know them from Adam—and you think, "How did that person choose to settle for THAT person?"
I think it's great that KNOCKED UP doesn't shy away from addressing that issue. And it's bluntly addressed throughout the movie, as it is in the poster above. (I've gotta wonder what that poster does for Seth Rogen's self-esteem.)
And I will admit, I completely missed the fact that Haverchuck from FREAKS & GEEKS was the guy growing the beard in the movie.

I stand corrected, Mr. Starr. I stand corrected.
Watch out, Mr. Bowie!!!
Trent's a scary guy. Still running from Exotic Birds.
... and I'll see YOU this Sunday, SOPRANOS FINALE!

Dead Sopranos Shuffled 5:
1. "Running to Stand Still", U2
2. "Hosanna", Jesus Christ Superstar
3. "The Brouhaha", Beastie Boys
4. "Superhuman", Velvet Revolver
5. "Not Now James, We're Busy", Pop Will Eat Itself
Meadow Soprano Bonus:
"Love", John Lennon
TGIF Laugh Corner:
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