Sunday, April 08, 2007

I Know My First Name is Malice

Which one of you fucks bought up all the Cadbury Creme Eggs on the Upper West Side? I rarely buy candy, but once a year I like to indulge in a nice Cadbury Creme Egg -- and every year some greedy-ass motherfucker's gotta ruin the fun for EVERYONE...

2007... man, I can't believe it's coming on 10 years since I graduated from college. May 1997. If I could know then what I know now... I'd still probably fuck it all up.

The other day, I walked through Washington Square Park. Happened to be in the area and just thought, lemme walk through this. I walked the same path through WSP countless times as an undergrad. I never really left the city after college, so the nostalgia doesn't hit me too sharply unless I let it. And I let it hit me the other day.

The world will never be the same...


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