Friday, February 16, 2007

Tales from the Darkside

Man lives in a sunlit world of what he believes to be reality...


There is -- unseen by most -- an underworld...

A place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...


It was a horror anthology in the mid-80s. Similar to The Twilight Zone, except focusing exclusively on horror subject matter. Like The Twilight Zone, most episodes are fairly crap now, but they were good enough to scare the fecal out of me when I was 10. The opening credit sequence is still enough to give the creeps, though. Especially the subtle voice-acting. They had a marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel the other day (yesterday?), and I half-watched.

Had some bad dreams last night. Woke up before 6am, tried to scribble it down but my handwriting's fairly illegible when I'm half-asleep. Robert Duvall was in the dream. My old childhood house. A dead cat. Some strange elements I won't record here. Some things are best left not dealt with till it's too late.

This holiday weekend, I'm arm-wrestling some demons and trying to get some work down. It's what I do. It's a riot.

The darkside is always there...
Waiting for us to enter...
Waiting to enter us...
Until next time...
... try to enjoy the daylight.


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