Tuesday, March 15, 2005

sweep & clean

started some spring cleaning this weekend. vacuuming and scrubbing the shower and all that good shit. doesn't look that much better, but it is. i've just gotta keep shovelin the shit this week... that shit has a way of pilin' up, dunnit though!?

i've been strolling into work late ever since a coworker told me they don't really care in our department. 5, 10, 15 minutes late...! i can't tell you what a difference a few extra minutes are in the mourning...

having said that, i discovered that they DO notice if you're tardy. it seems that it affects rewards/bonuses/promotions. a chelloveck i work with just got passed over for a big reward recently, in part because of his late arrivals.

point being, i spose i oughtn't get carried away with the late train... fuck and run... fuck and run...


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